The Swamp – The Sacred Place
Our repo, our swamps, store carbon, restore biodiversity and purify the water cycle – solutions we need to dig us out of the looming environmental problems humanity faces.
World Premiere Christchurch 30 Oct 2021
NZ International Film Festival
With filmmaker Kathleen Gallagher and writer Dylan Pyle we travel throughout Aotearoa New Zealand from Whangamarino in the north to Ōkarito in the South with fishermen, local iwi, farmers, healers, artists, scientists, trappers, teachers and students – as they replant, reflood and restore our old intimate relationship with rohe kooreporepo our swamps our sacred places.

Rohe Kōreporepo The Swamp The Sacred Place is available as both a film and a book which includes the full length interviews of all 60 kaitiaki wetlands guardians interviewed for the film, at Maketu, Whangmarino, Rotopiko, Te Hākari Kuku Beach, Taupō Swamp Porirua, Moawhitu D’Urville Island, Ōkarito, Ō Tū Wharekai and Wakanui Ashburton, Ōtautahi Christchurch wetlands, Te Waihora Lake Ellesmere.
Feedback on this Film
Stunned Silence: Recently Forest and Bird showed the film at a regular meeting. As the credits rolled at the end “There was silence; the credits rolled, there was silence; the projector was turned off, there was still silence! Such as amazing documentary – it was if the mauri, the spirit, of the wetlands had moved through the screen and touched each one of us. A very special and moving experience.
If you’ve never cried about a swamp, you’ve probably never seen Rohe Kooreporepo. Placing a strong emphasis on Māori voices and perspectives, this film offers a fascinating, hopeful and often heartbreaking survey of the activities and ecology working to protect Aotearoa’s wetlands. Amelia Berry
“This film is outstanding and really highlighted the part wetlands can play in sinking 30% of the world’s carbon. ” Paulette Double, Teacher
Wetlands aren’t just a vital component of the natural environment, to tangata whenua wetlands are a place for resource gathering and making kai, a vital habitat for waterfowl and tuna, raupō and harakeke. In these days of eco-anxiety, we need positive stories like this to show us a way forward.” Rebecca Priestly NZIFF
”In Rohe Kōreporepo we visit some of Aotearoa’s few remaining swamp areas and the people who are preserving, protecting and expanding on what is left, for the good of us all. This is an informative and inspiring wee film that I enjoyed very much.” Graeme Tuckett, Stuff
“A wonderful premiere of your latest ‘chef d’oeuvre’. A fantastic achievement.” Dr Philippe Gerbeaux Department of Conservation .

Rohe Kōreporepo The Swamp The Sacred Place has screened in the NZ International Film Festival at the Theatre Royal Christchurch, Lighthouse Wellington, Suter Nelson and Rialto Dunedin.
There will be cinema screenings in February 2022 in New Zealand including on World Wetlands Day.
This film was made with assistance from a finishing grant from the NZ Film Commission and with putea from CCC, DOC, Ashburton Conservation Trust and District Council, WET, National Wetlands Trust,Selwyn District Council, DOC Edge Rough Cuts.